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Class 37/5 Locomotive Upgrades

Integrate and install the ERTMS/ETCS to 2 x Class 37/5 locomotives

Class 37 Main

Vehicle Class

Number of Cars



Great Western Railway


Great Western Railway

Scope of Work




GRT was awarded the contract to integrate and install the Hitachi European Rail Traffic Management System/ European Train Control System (ERTMS/ETCS) to 2 x Class 37/5 locomotives, for operation West of Sutton Bridge Junction and Shrewsbury on the Cambrian Line in Wales. The two locomotives, 37668 and 37669, are owned and operated by West Coast Railways.

Scope of work

This turnkey project included the integrated design, engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning. GRT’s in house engineering design office developed the post-concept design for the package of work and produced the necessary design pack. GRT provided site and safety management and skilled certificated tradesmen to carry out all aspects of the installations. The project included the removal of redundant and obsolete cab equipment together with the installation of new ETCS equipment. To accommodate the new Doppler radar and balise (transducer) antenna installation, GRT redesigned and installed a replacement long range fuel tank including a revised wiring installation. The design incorporated full Finite Element

Analysis (FEA) in accordance with Railway Group Standards.

Work carried out

The package of work included

  • modifying the ETCS cubicles to allow access to the rectifiers and fitting of new On-Train Monitoring Recorder (OTMR) and upgrading the Train Protection and Warning System (TPWS) Equipment, GSM-R/GPS and GSM-R/Data Antennas, and ETCS Brake Control Equipment.
  • GRT reviewed and modified the cab desk design and fitted new cab equipment housings that incorporated a 240V power inverter, socket and Ethernet connection on the non-driver’s side for a secondary Desktop Management Interface (DMI)/laptop.
  • New axle speed probes were also provided and fitted.
  • Following the completion of the installation, GRT undertook verification and routine testing of the ETCS, TPWS and OTMR systems and assisted in performing the commissioning and set-up of the ETCS system before final testing and handover to the Customer.

Key benefits

  • GRT provided site and safety management and skilled and certificated tradesmen
  • Provided additional haulage capability and flexibility for commercial operations


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