Class 16X upgrade
Fleet upgrade comprising re-livery, doors and air-cooling installation

Vehicle Class
Number of Cars
Angel Trains
GWR & Chiltern
Scope of Work
C6, PRM, Air Cooling
Project info
- Production commenced on 12/09/15 and ended 31/01/19 (duration of 3 years, 4 months)
- GRS team re-delivered eleven units on time in a row during 2017
- Production commenced on 23/01/16 and is expected to complete on 14/09/19
- First three units were subjected to C6 heavy maintenance overhaul only
- Units four to eights were re-delivered with C6 and PRM modifications installed successfully
- Thereafter, we accommodated 2-unit holding to facilitate faster throughput of the fleet units for both customer and end-user. This resulted in dual production lines installing C6 and PRM on certain units, and C6, PRM and Air-ccoling on other units
- In Sept 2017, we re-delivered the very first C6, PRM and Air-cooling modified unit of 165110
- For the temperature record-high summer of 2018, we re-delivered 19 cars that had air-cooling installed to assist with passenger comfort
- Currently on 2-unit holding retro-fitting air-cooling to CL165/1 units that had previously undergone C6 and PRM upgrades only.