We offer a wide range of services from multiple UK based service centres
Heavy Maintenance Programmes
Gemini Rail Services can manage any heavy maintenance programme on any rail vehicle type, passenger or freight.
- Dedicated facilities located at Wolverton Works, near Milton Keynes, offer mainline access and are the largest of their type in the UK
- Individual trains or entire fleets can be accommodated
- Dedicated facilities include; electrical test, roof examination and repair, inspection, cleaning and stabling and 100 tonne lifting capacity
- With over 600 dedicated staff, Gemini has the capacity and the capability
Re-painting and Livery
Gemini Rail Services have large capacity, dedicated paint shop facilities which are able to handle the most challenging of refinish demands including those of repaired vehicles.
- Contemporary, long lasting, robust finishes designed for the rail environment
- The most complex new livery and re-livery schemes can be designed and applied by RailServices
- Individual rail vehicles of 23 metres can be easily accommodated
“Gemini are able to offer us a flexible approach to heavy maintenance - whilst maintaining high standards at every stage”.
Gemini Rail Services can carry out the re-glazing on any rail vehicle type operating in the UK.
- Glazing service is available for locomotives and cars
- Internal applications and windows
- Glazing meets or exceeds all current requirements for passenger safety including fire resistance, escape and UV management

Contact our Commercial Team for further information

The Market
The Rail Market is constantly evolving - and Gemini Rail Group are growing and changing to meet its needs
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