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Our Values

The characteristic spirit of the Gemini culture

The Gemini Values

Our values were developed by utilising feedback from employee surveys and key working groups. These values embrace the best of what we are today, and combine with what we want to be going forward as thriving, sustainable organisation.

  • Demonstrating togetherness

    In our business we look after each other. This means engaging honestly with our colleagues, supporting each other when we need it, speaking with one voice to the outside world and working to common goals.

  • Knowing what to do

    We pride ourselves on the breadth and depth of the knowledge that we have in the business and being a dependable expert for our customers. To maintain and grow our expertise we actively focus on developing our people and managing competency across the team.

  • Doing the right thing

    We always do the right thing in how we interact with our people, how we look after our planet, having strong, fair relationships with our customers and suppliers, ensuring our solutions are delivered safely and remain safe in use.

  • Delivering on our commitments

    When we agree to do something, that becomes our bond. We will always enter into commitments with our eyes open and commit honestly with the best of intentions. When things don't go according to plan, we will be transparent and quickly deliver resolution.

  • Promoting innovation

    Standing still is not for us. But innovation doesn't come on order. That's why we must always create an environment which nurtures innovation across the business. This means making time and space for new ideas and accepting that everyone in our business is
    capable of great ideas and deserves to have their voice heard.

  • Making work enjoyable

    We spend a lot of time working hard so let’s enjoy it. Be nice to your colleagues, have an appropriate joke at the right time, find the challenges which motivate you. Be visible and be friendly it will come back to you 10 fold.


You can speak to us any way you like...

We don't mind how you get in touch - we just want to make sure you reach the right person when you do!


Tel: +44 1908 574400


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Our History photo.

Our History

Although Gemini Rail Group are a new company, we bring together decades of rail experience

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Safety & Quality photo.

Safety & Quality

Quality, Reliability and Safety are core to Gemini Rail Group

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