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Safety & Quality

Delivering Excellence in Safety and Quality for all

Quality at Gemini Rail Group UK

Quality, Reliability and Safety are core to Gemini Rail Group. These are reflected in the products and services we deliver, in our evaluation of risk and all of our decision-making. We pursue continual improvement of our processes and reflect these improvements in our Business Management Systems.

Everyone is empowered to take responsibility for, and ownership of, their processes, to ensure that we always maintain the highest standards in Safety and Quality.

We recognise the benefit from investing in our people and are committed to their ongoing training and development to ensure we are able to meet the changing nature of the industry demanded by customers, regulation, legislation or technical advancement.


Working together

We work to achieve collaborative and developmental relationships with our employees, customers, suppliers and partners, recognising their fundamental importance in the successful delivery of our products and services.

Our commitment to the ongoing mental health, well-being and development of employees is imbedded into people processes and part of our business governance.


"It's not enough to provide safe equipment and processes. Our culture instills healthy and safe working."

Austin Wallace - CEO - Gemini Rail Services

Certifications & Approvals

BS EN ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System)

RISAS (Rail Industry Supplier Approval Scheme)

RISQS (Rail Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme)

BS OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System)


ROSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents)

BHSEA ( Birmingham Health, Safety and Environmental Association)


You can speak to us any way you like...

We don't mind how you get in touch - we just want to make sure you reach the right person when you do!


Tel: +44 1908 574400


Contact Form


Email a staff member direct

Our History photo.

Our History

Although Gemini Rail Group are a new company, we bring together decades of rail experience

Learn more